some iphone crap...
There are some interesting applications available for a jailbroked iPhone. One of the ones I found is this:
You launch this app and are presented with a map of the world:
Turn your monitor to landscape mode if you want to see it presented correctly.
See where that little red dot is?
Here's the concept. You see the map and touch approximately where you are in the world. The program then prompts you to take a picture of whatever you are looking at at the moment.
Once you have done that, you can watch the little red dot move around the map, then show you a picture of what the person in that area was looking at. Somewhere else in the world, someone else is looking at the dot move to your area and then the picture you just took.
Like this:
It's an interesting idea. I sat and watched it for almost 20 minutes this morning while I was waiting at the car dealership. Pictures stay up for maybe 10 seconds, then are gone. Sometimes it's like fleeting glimpses into other cultures and lives. I've seen pictures of what look like missiles going through the sky. Women in burkas. Men with large mustaches. Like a living version of National Geographic.
However, that's only about 1/2 the picture.
The other half of the time, the applications name could be changed from:
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