Thursday, April 24, 2008

and now...

A break from the countdown...

My sister Renee' and I did a show on Blog Talk Radio. We call the show RE:
'Cause of our initials.
Stove had suggested ER, but that was just too medical.

Here you go:


Stove said...

I see you're going to make things difficult, eh?

Stove said...

PS you should get the english girl who says "blogtalkradio" to be on your show.

leej said...

Wow, you put your name online. Have you done that before?

leej said...

Heeheee you said Jive. And you are a gym guy. You can't do anything 4-5 days and not be connected to that thing. If you drank 4-5 days a week...alcoholic.

leej said...

What's a D**** nerve? BTW you sounded like Ray Romano a few times.