hardest job in the world...
The smallchild and I like to have pizza once a week. I hope ,someday, she will grow out of this, but she really likes Dominos. She won't even talk about some other pizza showing up at the house.
Making pizza at Dominos has to be one of the hardest jobs in the world.
Check this out:
This showed up in place of smallchild's small cheese.
Notice there is no cheese on it, thereby making it a small.
I called the Dominos store and was going to explain my situation, when the manager interrupted me with, "You got a sauce pizza, didn't you?"
I said, "Well, I have a disk of dough with some sauce on it. I'm not entirely sure what I have could be counted as a pizza."
"Ha, ha.", she said.
So, either someone ASKED for a disk of dough with some sauce on it and our orders got swapped, or, someone making the pizza forgot to put cheese on our pizza.
I'm not sure which of those options is more unbelievable.
Thankfully a delivery dude showed up in 45 minutes with a replacement pizza. He also was kind enough to give me a coupon for a free 2 liter bottle of Coke for my troubles.
On top of it all, he graciously allowed me to keep the disk of dough with some sauce on it, even though I was trying to give it back.
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