Tuesday, January 1, 2008

happy dew year...

Poor Dick Clark. It's time to pack it in there, buddy. Ryan Seacrest has the look of a starving carrion eater.

In other news...

This is the beginning of the bad time of year for those who go to the gym. With all the maniacs in the world buying all the other maniacs in the world gym memberships for Christmas and due to the two and a half month power of New Year's resolutions, they are compelled to use them.
Of course, you can't just have a new gym membership. You need all the crap that goes with it.
So, you see a lot of shiny new sneakers, matching track suits and the requisite mp3-in-an-armband(s) that will be incessantly adjusted.

I don't fault anyone for wanting to get into better shape. God bless 'em. It's the mass influx at the same time every year that is a drag.
Also, you end up with a bunch of older folks who haven't exercised a lot since Laugh-In was big. They end up doing weird calisthenics that Jack Lalanne would scoff at. Lots of trunk twists and lifting barrels and pedaling those bikes where the front tire is seven feet around. They have those in stationary form just for this time of year.


Johnny said...

my wife and I are going to join a Gym tomorrow, and I told her it's going to be crazy for a month or two, but that we cannot be "those people" who just go for a month :-)

I will be buying shiny new sneakers and gym gear :-) and I am sure my wife will want an iPod now, just so she can incessantly adjust it on her arm.

Happy New Year...and yeah poor Dickey

mister swarvey said...

Oh, uh...
Present company is excluded, of course.

Stove said...

Maybe Dick was paid to do that by the folks at Mountain Dew.

It would not be the lowest they have stooped with their marketing.

Also, I think that is not actually Dick Clark. I think it is actually a Tyrell Corp Nexus-1 replicant. They will get more like actual humans with each generation.

leej said...

Doreen was talking about getting a Gym membership and I told her she couldn't cuz they'd figure her out very quickly. I told her what you have told me in the past.

I (we) have won this battle. But she will ask again.

In regard to DC. I find watching him now is depressing. Is it really anyway to ring in the New Year? Why not just bring out all kinds of people with some sort of disability. I just watch him and kinda cringe and I know I am not alone. Although Seacrest sucks.

Lee Out.....

mister swarvey said...

Steve, you know not what you speak. DEWmocracy is the greatest thing ever invented for the Global INTRAwebNET!
Also, it may be time to disconnect from the Blade Runner DVD.

Lee, what did I tell you in the past? I am sure it was something condescending. Allow me to apologize before you even tell me what I said.
Also, no one wants to see Ryan succeed. I don't know how he became the apparent to the throne of Rockin' Eve, but he appalls me to my core.
What is interesting about him the blatant animosity that seems to follow him. He and Dick do not appear to really like each other and he and the English dude from American Idol seem to HATE each other.
Ryan appears to be universally disliked. Yet he has a massive career.
He is most paradoxical.

leej said...

You only told me that about the New Years gym crowd, sorry to be vague. I was trying to keep my post short.

As far as Seacrest...UGH....Although I guess ABC would rather bring out a corpse like Dick Clark then to hand the whole thing to Ryan.