Friday, May 9, 2008

new theme musics...

Which do you prefer?

Listen over here, then make your thoughts known over there>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Prodigy musics
NIN musics
Cut Copy musics
+44 musics

Renee' has said she is somewhere between Prodigy and Cut Copy.
Which one do you like?


Mark said...

ha! I have made a tie with only 8 hours left to vote. If I could truly choose I would choose for you a sample of the chorus from Happy Talk from South Pacific. My first instinct would be the original version but it would be worth checking out some of the others as well.

mister swarvey said...

I know you're all happy that you locked the voting up, but I'm just going to make an executive decision anyway.
Didn't they use Happy Talk as a lead-in for an old SNL sketch? I think they might have, though I cannot remember which one.