Friday, January 4, 2008

47 foot fall guy...

From the New York Times:
Alcides Moreno plunged 47 stories that morning last month, clinging to his 3-foot-wide window washer’s platform as it shot down the dark glass face of an Upper East Side apartment building. His brother Edgar, who had been working with him on the platform, was killed.

Somehow, Alcides Moreno survived.

He was given roughly 24 pints of blood and 19 pints of plasma and underwent an operation to open his abdomen in the emergency room because, his doctor said, they did not want to risk moving him to an operating room. As December went on, he endured nine orthopedic operations.

Yet somehow, Alcides Moreno, the man who fell from the sky, survived.

You've all heard of this story, I'm sure. The guy is a phenomenon.
Here's the picture the Times has of him:

I can't decide if this picture was perhaps taken by the same person who takes pictures of Bigfoot, or if it was taken while he was falling.
This is the best picture of him?
I guess I'd ask if his driver's license picture was not available, but given his name and occupation...


leej said...

I'm betting this guy doesn't really have a "normal" life after this accident. I had heard that his internal organs were squished from the impact.

I guess we will have to wait and see.

Unknown said...

I think he died