Tuesday, January 22, 2008

r.i.p. heath ledger...

Steve called and informed me of the untimely passing of Heath Ledger. He was concerned that he, Steve, was a bad person, because, his first response to finding out that H.L. was dead,was, "Hey. What about Batman?"
I thought that I was a worse person, because, if the outcome of the investigation discovers that he, Heath, committed suicide, I will think that he is a giant a-hole. Another guy with a perfect life. Handsome, making all kinds of money doing what I only WISH I could do... Like, you jerkass, how dare you feel the need to commit suicide?
So I thought I was worse.
Steve countered with, "Yeah. But at least your reaction is empathic on some level. You're seeing humanity and commenting on it. All I'm worried about is how this is going to effect me being able to watch Batman movies."
This is not a direct quote. Another reason why the f-cast is a good idea. However, it is on target for the spirit of what he said.
He's right. He wins.
He is both worser and more assholier than I am.

Yay Steve!


leej said...

Steve, if it makes you feel any better that was my first thought too. Although I am sad to hear of Legers passing. I thought he had a great future ahead of him.

Johnny said...

My first thought as well, till my wife slapped me in the back of the head and told me he has a two year daughter...

Stove said...

We should form an evil team and be Batman's next nemesis, then.

Apparently Heath OD'd, which makes me feel less evil, because OD'ing is dumb. Yeah it sucks and I miss River Phoenix, too. But when you are having a problem and you have a responsibility like a two year old and you have the ability to easily get support and rehab, just go and effing do it. jerkass

leej said...

We are the great assholiio's...we need TP for our bungholes.