Tuesday, January 22, 2008

welcome to facadecast number 1...

Working on the format.

Screwing around last night.

Not the best content or sound quality. Don't get your hopes up.


leej said...

Do you do these facadecast because it is easier and you are lazy? Or are you looking at the possibility that someone may give you your own talk show?

mister swarvey said...

I hope for a talk show offer as a result of the facadecasts the same way I hope for a book deal from the non-blog posts.
Which is to say, not a lot.

mister swarvey said...

Oh, I am lazy, but sadly the facadecasts will probably be more work than the posts.

Unless I really want them to suck, there's going to be some level of post-production. Some after the live editing, unless it starts to come more naturally, I imagine.

It's kind of a bitch.

Johnny said...

hehehe lumber jack :-)