Saturday, August 25, 2007

cashew juice...

Having a big clean up day around the mill building Jenn and I live in. About 12 tenants trying to trim back a couple of decades worth of over growth. Hacking and hauling bushes, small trees, medium sized trees and various vine-ed vegetation.
It's 85 degrees out with a good level of humidity. By good, I mean a lot. The air is warm and moist. It is like breathing a nice, fresh brownie, just out of the oven.
We are dirty, smelly and bordering on miserable, though people are all struggling to stay positive and energized.
One way we are all doing this is by sharing fluids with each other. Do not make clinical assumptions. I'm talking about sharing jugs (heh) of water and Gatoraid and what have you.
One nice Brazilian lady proffered a yellowish fluid. It was sloshing around invitingly. It looked like lemon aid. I like lemon aid. It was not lemon aid.
It was cashew juice. Don't know if I'm spelling that right. Cashew, like the nut. The nut you eat. Not drink.
Still, it looked good.
But, it smelled bad. It smelled like compost.
You'd think, if something smelled like compost, you would avoid putting it in your mouth.
She was standing right there after pouring it, telling us about Brazil and crap.
I suggest, if you have a cup of something in front of you that smells like compost, go with your natural instinct to NOT put it in your mouth, even if the person who gave it to you nicely is still standing there waiting for you to drink it. Make an excuse for why you cannot drink at that second. Try this, "Oh! I have to take my anti-psychotic medications just now. I'll wash them all down with this lovely cup of cashew juice! But I have to take a lot of them so I'll need the whole cup! Be back later! Thank you!"
I was not able to come up with anything as clever as that at the moment so I drank some.

Cashew juice tastes like a bunch of dirty butts.

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