Saturday, August 4, 2007

more readers...

I want more people to read my blog and have been unclear as to how to make it happen. I looked on the internet for advice. The advice I found most often was along the lines of, "Post to your blog every day. Think of it like you are watering a plant. You water a plant every day to make it grow, post to your blog every day to make it grow!"
There are a couple of things wrong with this thinking.
First off, many plants do not require watering every day. In fact, you will kill many types of plants by hydrating them so.
Secondly, let us assume all plants require watering everyday. If you have no water, should you substitute another liquid? Whatever you have lying around? Milk? Coca-Cola Zero?
I ask this question because I tend to only post when things occur to me that I find clever or interesting in some way. And I am perfectly willing to accept that some of these things are ONLY clever and/or interesting to ME. I'm fine with that.
If I were to adhere to the Post Every Day rule, many of the posts would appear like the one below:

My daughter and I went to the Seafood Festival in Charlestown, Rhode Island.
It was very hot.
We had hamburgers that were not good, but I guess that's what we get for ordering hamburgers at a seafood festival.
We saw a cannon.
Here is the cannon.
Hay Cannon
It was an old cannon so my daughter was probably in very little danger from staring down the barrel like that.

1 comment:

leej said...

If you were to grab a bunch of people and stick their heads in front of a canon, they might start to read your BLOG. Just don't tell them it is not in functioning order.