Saturday, July 21, 2007


I was cast to play a head-butting werewolf in a movie being produced locally. When I think of the company making the movie, some words come to mind. Here are some of them:

They are not thorough. They are not, what is called in the industry, "good".

I was at work last night at about 4:30 and got a call from the girl in my acting class who is also cast in this movie.

"Are you going to rehearsal tonight?", she asked.
I gathered all my considerable intelligence and responded, "Umm....?"
"You were on the email. Didn't you get it?"
"Er... When was it sent?"

Here I have to interject and cop to the fact that I do not have a perfect track record for seeing, or responding to, or taking required action of any kind, on some emails. SOME emails. Mostly work stuff that I don't really care about. (kidding)
I get a LOT of email at work. I am on mailing lists I don't care about in the slightest. Working in a big corporation, you get plugged in to many mailing lists, for projects you are on, even if only peripherally, or projects you only heard about. Technology has not progressed to a point where you can be removed from these mailing lists, ever. Once you are in one, you should expect mail associated with it for all eternity. So, I get many mails that just pile up and important stuff is lost in the progress.
Yes. I'm going with that story. Shut up.
I could take the time to create mail rules that move the not-important stuff to an archive folder, but that would take time I need for important things like making South Park characters that look like my co-workers. Besides, if I did that, I wouldn't have an excuse of any kind for not responding appropriately to email.
So, that's what happens with my work email. Email about this movie goes to my GMail account where there is a lot less traffic. Besides, I was looking for mail on this subject. We're now two weeks since the Jenga poo story. I was expecting to hear some forward movement. And I care about this a hell of a lot more than I care about work stuff. (Come on. I'm kidding.) I know I didn't get this email and tell her so.
"But your name is here in the mail. I'm looking at it right now."
Damn it. What the hell did I do? How did I miss that? If I didn't explicitly say I would not be able to attend, that is the same as saying I would be able to. Damn! Stupid sense of having to do something because I said I would...
I ask, "Well. What time is the rehearsal and where is it?"
She says it is at 5:30 in Bristol, RI. Now, it's about 4:35 and I work in Franklin, MA. Hire a cartographer and chart that ride. Suuuuucks.
As I'm about to tell her I'm going to wrap up and leave as soon as I can, something she said before comes to mind.
"Hey. You said my name was in the email. In the text of the email or in the sent to address list?"
"Uhh... Well, you're in the text of the mail so I assume you're... Uh, oh. No. Your address is not in the sent to list."
Ah HA! Vindication!! Yes. Now my stupid sense of doing what I said I was going to do has a loop hole through which to get the hell lost! Yay.
She says she will call them for me and explain the situation and she apologizes. I know she is apologizing because she got me involved with the whole messy deal in the first place, but this is really not her fault.
For, now, honestly, the 15th time, I think I must disengage from this process. I think I have finally found the way to do it. I am going to email them and tell them that due to the reality of my life, with where I work and the fact that I WORK, and my classes and my daughter and my just life, I need a clear, long-term schedule of what they are planning. I need it weeks in advance.
As the company and actors working in the movie are all very young people without a hell of a lot of responsibility, they can call for an all-night shoot the day before it happens and pretty much everyone can make it. And that's, for the most part, how they roll. I can't roll like that. For me, that is an untenable roll.
Schedule wise, I just don't think it's going to work.
It's a perfect out. It's reasonable and I don't have to tell them they are a bunch of irresponsible brats making a movie that might get someone sued and that they have very questionable cat care techniques. Excellent.

Stay tuned for how that goes.

1 comment:

leej said...

This could have been the next Blair Witch Project. Nice. You may regret this decision.