Sunday, July 8, 2007

more on the acting stuff...

We decided the final session of our acting class should be a showcase of everything we've been working on so far. Students had monologues (I am just going to say right now that there will be spelling mistakes along the way. Mobile blogging doesn't allow for elegant spell checking... Strike that. It actually is pretty straightforward... Huh. Where was I?) and short two person pieces. We invited those close or important to us to come and see what we accomplished in the two months of the class. I only wanted Jenn to be there. Only her, for two reasons:
A. She loves me a lot and would not want me to continue doing something if I was making a fool of myself, so she would be honest.
B. Even though she does not go to church, she is very Irish Catholic, so she is honest to an almost painful degree. If you know any Irish Catholics, you know what I'm talking about, if not here is an example of a possible exchange with an Irish Catholic.
You: Hey. Look at this shirt. I love this shirt. Isn't this the best shirt ever?
Them: You smell like a pile of innards.
In any case, I knew she would tell me if I was wasting my time.
The girl from the movie invited the whole production company. Seven people.
In the weeks between the acting class showcase and the post-teens pretending in their Mom's backyard, the production company learned from the girl in my class that perhaps I was of a caliber slightly higher than that of a mere extra. Now, I was going to have the option to read for two roles that needs to be filled. One was that of an older deli owner and the other was a werewolf who meets a guy, head butts him, wipes the blood from the guy's now broken nose off his face, puts on some sunglasses and walks away.
Hmmm. Tough choice.
I expressed some interest in the werewolf role, having come to terms with the reality of the film.
I know it's a silly little thing, but if I get to head butt a guy, I don't really care.
The showcase begins and ends. Everyone, I think, does a good job. When it is over and people are being introduced to the various attendees, this tall blonde dude, who looks like he might be in movies one day, walks up to me. He introduces himself as one of the key players in the production company and one of the stars of the film.
Then, in tones of great gravity, he says, "I think we have our werewolf.". He says this as though he were offering me the role of Indiana Jones after Harrison Ford broke his hip. Very seriously, he takes it.
I am informed I will be contacted for a time to have my teeth fitted.
That is the next story...

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