Sunday, March 9, 2008

smallchild and i non-podcasting again...

My sister Renee' commented on a previous non-podcast asking when smallchild was going to get the chance to answer some questions.

Here are some comments.

I know a tooth is not a bone.
I apologize for the chewing.
My daughter is more normal than I am as she was self-conscious recording in the Burger King, and I just don't care at all.
I was hoping there would be more interesting stories.
This one kid kept going back and forth refilling his family's soda cups. Over and over.
The question, "Have you ever found money?", feels uncomfortable. Like the grammar is off, but I don't know why.
She has totally ripped her pants.
Hear the Bee-Gees in the background? Tragedy. Oh yeah!

Swarvey and smallchild make another non-podcasty thing.

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