Wednesday, August 15, 2007

more traffic stuff...

I drive home from Franklin, MA to North Providence, RI everyday. There is construction going on almost constantly on 495 which I drive on until I exit to 95. Recent construction has been just before the exit to 95. The highway goes from three lanes with a breakdown, to two lanes with no breakdown.
If you are in the middle lane of the highway, that's where you should remain, if you want to get onto 95. If you are in the slow lane, all the way to the right, you need to merge left, before ultimately going right onto the exit.
Hopefully this all makes sense.
In order for things to flow smoothly, we have to be humane to each other. We have to be like a giant zipper. Someone in the middle lets someone in the right merge in, the next guy on the right allows the next person in the middle lane to continue and merges behind them, and so on and on and on.
If everyone plays fair, it works great.
As I was approaching this area the other day, there was a guy behind me in a gold BMW. It might have actually been made of gold, I don't know. He was behind me as we entered the zipper zone. He did not want to play the zipper game, for some reason. He wanted to gain just one more car length, perhaps his gold car was becoming pock marked, as gold is a very soft metal. So he broke zipper formation and pulled up along me on the right, attempting to pass on the ass of the guy on my right who was in perfect merging form.
I have abandoned road rage and all other rages. I used to be crazy and I have a story about where crazy behavior got me, which I will tell you soon, but I am not crazy anymore. I've let it all go and it really takes a great deal to get me angry now.
But I was not going to let gold BMW in. No sir. Not today.
It became one of those games where he tries to sneak in and I nudge the gas a little harder and we end up driving in parallel, looking at each other, until he completely runs out of room and needs to hail-mary break, or I give in and let him in.
He was staring at me.
I was staring at him, feeling quite tough. You're not winning this round, Goldy. Yeah. That's right. I'll kick your ass if I have to. I got a damned tattoo on my HEAD!!
I had this little testosterone fit, until I realized I was listening to the song I have included below.
At exactly 3 minutes in, you'll hear the soulful sax solo that was playing while most of this traffic jockeying was going on.
Don't get on my bad side, buddy. Grrrrr.

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