Thursday, February 7, 2008

some pictures...

The first two are scary and/or awe inspiring. You have to open your mind to be able to really appreciate them.

In this picture, you can totally see the face of Christ.
See? The nose is the reflection of the sun on the water. The mountains are the eyes and the trees at the bottom are his beard.
If you cannot see it, you will burn in hell for all eternity. So look really hard.

This picture was taken by a couple who were exploring an old graveyard. The husband was taking a picture of one gravestone, when he suddenly felt compelled to turn around and take one behind him.
Without even looking or aiming, he captured this image.
On the right had side of the image you can clearly see a face! Boo! Ha, ha! I got you good with that one.
You can also clearly see the Marylin Monroe's leg and a unicorn. Unicorns are scary though, too.

All of WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW is this:
Don't ever, EVER call this guy. He want to make stew with yo' head and if he knows you are injured, he knows he will have an easier time catching you.

This is me as Ray Charles.

I am sad that the phone on my camera, uh, the camera on my phone, cannot do this reality justice.
I don't know what happens in the bathroom. Seemingly civilized people lose their damned minds in the bathroom.
I swear to God, even though you can't really see it, it looked like someone was shaving themselves over the urinal.

Uh, bleagh.

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