Thursday, February 28, 2008

welcome to el posto 200...

Yes, yes. 200 posts. Quite a landmark.

Here is post 200.

An associate in the program I team lead for drew a picture of me.

As you can see, he really captured my essence, especially the perpetual look of bemused annoyance I carry around on my face. And my thick, full lips.
He drew in the tools of my trade, as well. I am frequently packing heat and... uh... have a chain on a stick.
Apparently, I dress as though I were on my way to go play baseball, with, like an ascot on, or something.

What he did not capture correctly, was my hairstyle. He drew me COMPLETELY bald, which is just laughable.
I had him go back and fix it.

There. That's better.


leej said...

I think you kinda look like a Star Trek the picture too.

mister swarvey said...

I actually thought that as well.
Something about the placement of that little icon or what ever it is on the chest there.
Looks like I could tap it and call the Enterprise.